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Unless the Lord builds a house,
    the work of the builders is wasted.

-Psalm 127:1 NLT




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Glorifying God, by introducing people to Jesus Christ, and encouraging one another to grow in Christ through love, joy, compassion & service.

  1. The Bible is the foundation for all we do and teach.

  2. Everything we do is covered by prayer.

  3. We are a strong church community that cares for the community around us.

  4. In response to God’s gifts to us, we show our devotion to Him through our time, talents, and treasure.

  5. We gather, young and old, to worship God, and to celebrate His work in our lives.

  6. All of our ministries are used to reach people for Jesus Christ.


As we build a strong community built on love, we focus forward in equipping this and the next generation of leaders. Grounded in scripture, working in the power of unity and the beauty of cultural diversity, we strive to build the Kingdom of God here and now. Preparing the Church to serve, is an integral part of who

we are called to be.


We are an outreach and mission-minded church- building community. We invest our time and resources into the most vital part of Jesus' new commandment for Christian living- one another.


At Tacoma Christian Reformed Community Church, we are part of the Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), an organization dedicated to loving people towards Jesus, building community, preparing others to serve, and reaching out to those in need here at home and abroad.


We believe that the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life. We affirm three creeds—the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed—as ecumenical expressions of the Christian faith. We also affirm three confessions—the Belgic Confessionthe Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt—as historic Reformed expressions of the Christian faith, whose doctrines are based on  the Word of God.


We believe in community; believers who have been called to serve one another and others in love. This motivates our beliefs and our future more than anything- building the Kingdom of God, in the love of God, through the people of God-together.


To learn more about our beliefs, please feel more than welcome to explore the Christian Reformed Church website.

Ready to serve?

If you've had it just visiting, you're ready to roll up your sleeves, and get your hands dirty with us, click here to view our ministry area page and sign up today!


2419 E 72nd ST 

Tacoma, WA 98404



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© Tacoma Christian Reformed Community Church is a proud member of the CRCNA PNW Classis.

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